
Friday, June 22, 2012

Trying to get back at it

I miss blogging! I have no excuses anymore because I have a new computer and this should be easy. I like having a record of my girls early years. What we're doing, how she's growing and everything in between. That being said, I'm going to unload the past few months today, mostly via Instagram pics. Hope you don't mind :)

Working on a Fourth of July wreath.....haven't made any progress since this picture, haha

New "baby soup"  

Trying to omit as much High Fructose Corn Syrup as possible. Found a recipe that made the Hersheys syrup, but BETTER! Found HERE

Found this vintage high chair for $5!!!!!  Love the yellow and it's already worn in all the right places

Yard sale finds

$5 armchair in perfect condition for my sewing room

Made a beach for the pool. Pattern found HERE.

My girl loves shades

On my way to photograph my first wedding. It went well!!! 

Our Expedit shelf that came with a defective piece. I emailed them and am crossing my fingers that they will send the piece and not make us drive 2 hours to replace it. 

Growing up.....

Making homemade marinara. I've finally found a tried and true recipe. Adapted from HERE but I reduced the sugar to 1 tbs. 

We've been really enjoying this awesome early summer we're having. I love being a SAHM and I'm grateful for the sacrifices my husband make to see that it stays that way.

Love using my new grocery totes. They mimick the shape and size of regular grocery bags so the cashiers don't mind so much. Pattern found HERE

Trying red lips...... 

Wild, night-after-pool hair

Painted my nails.....only done it a "handful" of times, haha

Saw the most ridiculous thing ever at Walmart of all places

Made ice cream using only frozen bananas and cocoa powder. It is seriously good and healthy!

Flea market finds. Most excited about the $3 scale

Finally wearing the backpack momma made her

Happy Mother's Day to me! Now to decide what kind of quilt to make. I'm stumped because I am afraid to cut into it!

Daily park visits

First painting project

We got dolled up and went to a retirement party

Yard sale finds!

The BEST ice cream around. Jeni's has such unique ice cream. I got Goat Cheese and Cherries and Lemon Curd with  Juniper. And at $12 a pop, you better believe they are amazing. They ship too ;)

We scored an old Jenny Lind twin bed for $20 that I spent weeks priming and painting. 

An unfinished picture of her big girl room. Lots left to do but she loves it. 
Lots of eating healthy.....

And running.

Her first black eye :(


  1. So many great pics! love the nails and red lips! And the goat cheese and cherries is definitely my favorite at Jenni's! Can't wait to see your new quilt!

    1. Thank you!!! And I can't wait to go back to Jenis....I have dreams of that ice cream!
      I am really stumped what quilt to make :( I'm thinking maybe this one...


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